How to Make DIY Cat Toys: The Ultimate Guide for Pet Owners

Creating DIY cat toys can be a fun and rewarding way to provide entertainment and stimulation for your furry friend. Not only do homemade best cat toys money, but they also allow you to customize playthings that cater specifically to your cat’s preferences. Here’s a comprehensive guide to crafting DIY cat toys that are safe, enjoyable, and easy to make.

Materials You May Need:

Before starting, gather these basic materials:

  • Fabric: Scraps of fabric, felt, or old T-shirts.
  • Yarn or String: pet toys   or weaving into toys.
  • Cardboard: Toilet paper rolls, cardboard boxes, or egg cartons.
  • Catnip: Optional, for toys that can be stuffed.
  • Bells, Feathers, or Beads: For adding sound or texture.
  • Scissors, Glue, and Tape: To assemble and secure the toys.
  • Needle and Thread: For sewing if necessary.

Simple DIY Cat Toys Ideas:

1. Sock Catnip Toy:

  • Materials: Old sock, catnip, and yarn.
  • Instructions: Fill the sock with catnip, tie it closed with yarn, and optionally sew or tie off sections to create segments for batting.

2. Feather Wand:

  • Materials: Wooden dowel or stick, string, feathers, and glue.
  • Instructions: Glue feathers to one end of the stick and tie a string around them. Dangle the feathered end in front of your cat for interactive play.

3. Cardboard Roll Treat Puzzle:

  • Materials: Cardboard rolls (from toilet paper or paper towels), treats, and scissors.
  • Instructions: Cut holes in the rolls large enough for treats to fit through. Close one end of the roll and fill with treats, then close the other end. Your cat will have to bat and roll the roll to get the treats out.

4. Crinkle Paper Ball:

  • Materials: Crumpled paper, foil, and yarn or string.
  • Instructions: Crumple the paper and wrap it in foil to make it crinkle. Secure with yarn or string, creating a ball that’s lightweight and crinkly, appealing to cats.

5. Sock Mice:

  • Materials: Socks, yarn or string, catnip (optional), and scissors.
  • Instructions: Fill the sock with catnip if desired, then tie off sections with string or yarn to create a mouse-like shape. Trim excess fabric to resemble ears and a tail.

Tips for Making DIY Cat Toys:

  • Safety First: Ensure all materials are non-toxic and securely fastened to prevent choking or ingestion.
  • Experiment with Textures: Cats love different textures, so consider adding crinkly foil, soft fabric, or rough sisal to appeal to their senses.
  • Rotate Toys: Just like store-bought toys, rotate DIY toys to keep your cat engaged and prevent boredom.
  • Supervise Play: Monitor your cat’s interaction with DIY toys, especially if they contain small parts that could become hazards.

Benefits of DIY Cat Toys:

  • Cost-Effective: Save money by using materials you already have at home.
  • Customizable: Tailor toys to your cat’s preferences, such as size, shape, and textures.
  • Bonding Opportunity: Crafting toys can be a bonding experience between you and your cat, especially during playtime.


Crafting DIY cat toys not only enriches your cat’s environment but also provides creative satisfaction for you as a pet owner. By using safe materials and considering your cat’s preferences, you can create toys that stimulate their natural instincts and provide hours of entertainment. Whether it’s a simple crinkle ball or an elaborate puzzle feeder, DIY toys can be just as effective as store-bought ones in keeping your cat happy, healthy, and mentally stimulated.


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